Program FAQs

I know starting a health and fitness journey can be scary and overwhelming. It might even stir up a bunch of questions…which is totally understandable!

To put your mind at ease, I’m sharing with you the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in regards to my programs!

How do I know I am a good fit for your programs?

If you are a woman who:

💔 Struggles with self-confidence

💔 Wants to shed fat and “tone” but don’t know how or where to start

💔 Fears taking photos with your loved ones

💔 Fears getting on the scale

💔 Gets flustered because you can’t fit into your favorite jeans

💔 Is uncomfortable going to the beach or pool because it requires a bathing suit

💔 Is tired of trying and struggling with every fad diet that’s out there

💔 Gets winded when walking up the stairs or walking a long distance

💔 Doesn’t understand how to eat or workout for your specific body type

💔 Is sick and tired of feeling “sick and tired”

Then my programs ARE FOR YOU because I share my strategies and techniques on how to overcome these exact struggles with women who feel this way!

Depending on how much guidance you need will determine which program is best for you; however, if you need 100% guidance and need fully customized plans catered towards YOUR specific body and goals, then the Sculpt My Body Program is for you!

What if I don’t like going to the gym?

No worries, the gym isn’t for everyone! My programs are built FOR YOU! So if you don’t like going to the gym, then there are a million other options you can choose from, such as home workouts, classes, or just regular bike rides out in the park! 

❓What if I am not in the right mindset to start a weight loss journey?

That’s one of the great components one of my programs has to offer! In the Sculpt My Body Program, there is a whole mindset course that focuses on getting and staying in a positive mindset! The course prioritizes positive self-talk, how to deal with stress and anxiety, how to avoid burnout and so much more! So even if you aren’t in the right mindset initially, you’ll definitely get in the right mindset after working through the modules and the exercises it provides!

I also have an ebook that provides you with 20 of my most helpful and beneficial secrets and tips on staying motivated during a health and fitness journey called Sculpt Your Motivation!

How much does it cost?

It really depends on the program that you enroll in. Figuring out the right program and payment plan for you will be discussed on our call after you apply and your application has been reviewed. But on average, each program is around a few hundred dollars per month!

What if I’m a beginner and don’t know a lot of exercises or have never been to the gym? 

That’s ok! My programs were built with beginners in mind! That’s why the fitness portion consists of step-by-step instructions for each exercise, as well as video tutorials. There are different plans for you to choose from; so if you’re not comfortable going to the gym, you can choose from the different types of home workout plans. But once you start your program, go through the mindset course (if you’re in the Sculpt My Body Program) and get comfortable performing the workouts, you will definitely feel comfortable and confident enough to go to the gym! 

What if I don’t see results?

I can understand this being a big fear, which may end up holding you back from starting your journey! But if you stick to the strategies and techniques that I teach you, you’re very likely to see results (can’t guarantee results)! But don’t worry, I’m not going to give you a plan and then just feed you to the wolves! I will make sure this plan works for your specific body and make sure you start to see results. And if you don’t, then we will keep making adjustments until you do start seeing results! 

Why should I hire you over other fitness coaches?

Because I am not some newbie coach. I am a coach who has years of education and experience transforming my own physique, as well as the physique of other women. Most fitness coaches out there don’t have the credentials or the experience that I have. While other fitness coaches may just know the “how”, I actually know the “how” AND the “why”. And I am determined to help you understand the “how” and the “why” as well so you can carry these sustainable habits throughout the rest of your journey, even after we’re done working together! 

Ok, you’ve intrigued me…how do I apply? 

Click Here to book your FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTATION CALL! In this call, we will get to know each other, go over your goals and determine if we are a right fit to work with each other. If we do, then we will move on to the application process!

Once your application has been reviewed (and approved), we will move forward with a second call to dive even deeper by getting to know you even more, such as your health + fitness history and your “why”, as well as to go over the best plan to help you achieve your goals!


